Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain - Getting Fatter From Less Sleep

Lots of people aren't aware of the connection between lack of sleep and weight gain. 

Many assume that how much sleep a person is getting each night has no bearing on whether or not weight is lost or gained. 

This, unfortunately, is completely untrue, as lack of sleep and weight gain are DEEPLY connected. 

In fact, if you haven't been sleeping as well and you've recently packed on a few pounds, you can likely contribute it to your sleeplessness.

Why It Happens...

Simply put, hormonal imbalance.

When the hormones leptin and grehlin start going haywire, there are serious repercussions for your body.

These two hormones regulate & control your appetite -- leptin decreases appetite, while grehlin increases it.

When your body is sleep deprived, levels of leptin start to plummet and your body ceases to produce them as normal. 

On the other hand, levels of grehlin actually start to spike and get WAY higher than normal. 

This leads to you eating more and being satisfied by meals less. Now this behavior might seem like something you would notice fairly quickly, but it's often not noticed at all.

What Can Be Done...

You can't really break the connection between lack of sleep and weight gain, so don't even try. 

You really need to focus on getting better, longer, & more comfortable sleep instead.

If you can do that, this lack of sleep and weight gain problem will go away on it's own.

If you can't manage to fix your sleeplessness, then not only will the problem REMAIN, it will actually start to get worse and you'll pack on even more pounds as time goes on.

Feel that you've dealt with sleeplessness long enough? 

Want to try your luck with the best natural cure for sleeplessness. Then you really need to visit here.


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