Diabetes: Types, Causes and Symptoms

Diabetes is a life threatening health condition. It is a metabolic disease which occurs when there is inadequate production of insulin or when there is poor response of the cells of the body to insulin or both. 

The blood sugar level of a person suffering from diabetes is normally high. Patients with diabetes usually experience hunger, frequent urination (polyuria) and increasing thirsty (polydipsia) as a result of loss of too much body fluid through urine.

Diabetes is of three, namely, type 1 diabetes, types 2 diabetes and type 3 diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs when there is inadequate production of insulin in the body. 

Type 1 diabetes which is not as common as type 2 diabetes is variously called early-onset diabetes, juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes.

Insulin injection is administered to people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It is advisable that patients suffering from this type of diabetes check their blood-glucose levels on regular basis in order to make sure that it is normal.

This is the commonest type of diabetes. About 90 percent of patients diagnosed with diabetes across the globe are suffering from this type of diabetes which occurs when there is insufficient production of insulin in the body. 

Insulin resistance by the cells of the body is another cause of this type of diabetes. 

Type 2 diabetes is a life threatening condition. But people with the condition should always monitor their blood glucose levels. 

Engaging in regular exercise and going on healthy dieting is a veritable means through which they can deal with the condition. However, if the problem becomes worse, they may have to be given insulin which is available in tablet form.

The risk of developing this type of diabetes is higher in older people, people with unhealthy lifestyles and people who are obese and overweight. 

Having unhealthy diet plan and being physically active also increase the risk of having type 2 diabetes. In other words, you can avoid developing it by leaving an active life and also going on healthy diet.

Studies have also shown that this type of diabetes can be hereditary. People whose close relative have had this condition before are at the risk of developing it.

Low level of testosterone in some men can also cause type 2 diabetes. The findings of researchers from University of Edinburgh links insulin resistance to Low testosterone levels.

Type 3 diabetes refers to insulin resistance in the brain caused by Alzheimer's disease. 

The result of the research carried out in University of Pennsylvania which was published in 2012 showed that people suffering from type 3 diabetes may not have hyperglycemia (high level of blood sugar) in the brain.

It is possible for some people to have diabetes without knowing. This is because they overlook the symptoms. 

Diabetes of any type can be controlled or managed especially if it is discovered earlier. Here are some of the symptoms of diabetes.

High level of glucose in the blood causes frequent urination. So, if you discover that you urinate frequently, you should visit your doctor for medical examination.

Diabetic patients experience excessive thirst which is a natural corollary of frequent urination.

If you are urinating frequently, you will become dehydrated easily due to loss of liquid. You become thirsty easily. So, you will be drinking much water in order to replace the lost liquid.

Just like other health conditions, people suffering from diabetes suffer intense hunger which can lead to weight gain. 

You can see diabetic patients that look so weight tiny because of usual weight loss associated with diabetes. If you are having an itchy skin, it might be a sign that you are having diabetes.

It can also cause other symptoms such as blurred vision, increased fatigue, sexual dysfunction among men, frequent gum disease, numbness or tingling, wounds taking too long to heal.

>>Read more about "Diabetes" - best home remedy for sugar control.


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