A Good Night's Sleep and Weight Loss - Is There a Connection?

So you must be wondering how can you lose weight while sleeping

Well guess what the latest research suggests that people who slept more, had lower weights then people who slept less.

According to the research women who slept seven to eight hours a day where six to eight pounds lighter then the women who only slept five or six. 

It is believed when you fall asleep your hormones are in a balanced state, thus making you lose weight. The hunger hormone is at an all time low.

Not only are your body tissues recovering, your body is getting itself prepared to flush out some major fat.

If you are one of those people who have a hard time falling asleep, then try having a cup of chamomile tea before you go off to sleep. This will soothe, and relax you.

It is also suggested that having a small whole wheat based dinner can make you fall off to sleep easier.

Certain people have a hard time believing this, but this truly works.

A good nights' sleep is a cure for many serious ailments, if you suffer from depression or anxiety, a proper nights' sleep will make you feel much more energized.

If you do not sleep on time and constantly struggle to achieve a peaceful mind, that is all because of your messed up sleeping schedule.

So in order to fit into your most favorite skirt, all you got to do is prepare your self for a good nights sleep

This can be done easily if you follow the right routine.

Make sure you do exercise for about an hour every single day.

Once your body is tired of all the day's exertion it would want to have a peaceful night sleep. 

Avoid having caffeine, based drinks later in the night. Since they trigger your body to remain awake, while you want to sleep. 

Stay away from cups and cups of these drinks. You can always substitute with herbal teas. So who said losing weight was difficult?

Now all you got to do is eat right, exercise and sleep!

Pretty soon you will be amazed at your new look.


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