WHAT IS 15 Minute Weight Loss?

What makes the difference between a fat person and someone who can eat anything they want and still stay skinny?

15 Minute Weight Loss takes a unique approach to weight-loss by fixing a critical factor that decides whether a person will be successful in weight-loss or not: The mind-set.

Or more specifically, the “set-point” in a person’s subconscious mind.

Our belief is that if a person doesn’t truly believe in their subconscious mind that he or she can lose weight, they’ll never be able to lose the weight they want. That’s why we have so many people out there who’ve tried dozens of diet plans or exercise programs, but never achieve their desired weight. Either that or they'll reach their ideal weight, and then bounce back again in no time.

Developed by a certified clinical hypnotherapist, this 15 Minute Weight Loss is a 15-minute a day audio program that is designed to rewire our subconscious minds to let us lose weight naturally, comfortably and with minimal or no conscious effort.

The main program consists of 3 audio tracks of 15 minutes each, that are recorded with a layer of subliminal self-hypnosis, over high-quality nature sounds that are blended with brainwave entrainment beats, for an immersive and pleasant listening experience.

Users will listen to each track for one week, before moving on to the next track, for a total of 21 days. Nothing else needs to be consciously done. Hence, this is a truly effortless weight-loss program.

When listening to the tracks, the users may experience deep relaxation or in some cases, drowsiness. So the tracks must NOT be used while driving or operating machinery.

Review from user:
" I'm Cara, and my friends can’t believe how I lost 3 dress sizes worth of fat. It's all from 15-Minute Weight Loss...The only rule... and this is important....Is to not exercise during these 15 minutes... no matter what!

There were 3 Rules to Hypnotic Weight Loss, that had to happen for someone to lose weight.
Rule #1:
Understand It's the subconscious mind and NOT diet or exercise that gets rid of the fat.

Don't believe me? Think about all the people you know that seem to eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce. And think about the people who have tried everything and still can't get rid of their ugly fat...Or who keep having the fat come back to their bellies and hips a month later.

The truth is that your Subconscious mind is the ultimate decider of how much you weighOur subconscious mind makes it next to impossible to actually follow a diet.

The subconscious will now speed up our metabolism...
  • It can lower stress hormones... so every workout burns double the calories.
  • It can make us sleep better, so the body works overtime to digest well and slim down.
  • It can make us want to go work out.
  • It can make us love the taste of healthy foods.
  • It can pretty much put the body on autopilot, where it's simply natural for us to do all the right things.
And when we do the right things while having our body cooperate... then we drop fat...

Rule #2 of Hypnotic Weight Loss is:
Our Brainwaves Need to be In Sync. 
We have 3 basic different type of brainwaves while we're awake.
  • Beta... which is our normal "everyday" state.
  • Alpha... which is our meditative, peaceful state.
  • Theta... which is our really deep state... where all the deep changes can happen.
The Theta state is what monks spend years... even decades trying to reach, through intense meditation. 
It is the Golden Prize that allows total control of mind and body.

Scientists discovered that if we can get the Left Brain and Right Brain to synch together in their brainwaves, then we instantly and automatically reach that powerful Theta state.

This means that our creative and logical minds work together...Instead of fighting each other, which is what happens with most people.

Most of the time, we're either daydreaming with our creative mind, or trying to figure stuff out with our logical mind...

But when we sync the two brain hemispheres together, miracles happen!

What the scientists found is that wearing headphones...And giving each ear finely tuned vibration frequencies... called Cymatics.

That the two halves of the brain start to cooperate, and we slip into this beautiful Theta state.

That's where hypnosis actually works!

A hypnotist can give our mind messages like...

"You will love eating healthy foods." or "You can eat anything and still stay lean."

And the mind will just accept it, if you're listening to these Cymatics at the time.

The subconscious mind will respond with... "Yes, I DO love eating healthy foods," and "Yes, I can eat anything I want and still look great." But if we're not listening to these Cymatics on our headphones... And a hypnotist tries to convince our mind to help us lose weight...

Rule #3 of Hypnotic Weight Loss: Repeat the Process Until it's Permanent.
This is where it gets tricky. Most people will try to do a session or two and expect great results.

And they will get great results for a while but the fact is the subconscious mind is stubborn. 
This can make someone need to book dozens of sessions with the same hypnotist...That can be very expensive!

If you want to lose that dreaded fat, you have to do whatever it takes.

Each recording is only 15 minutes, and all you have to do is listen to one recording a day.
That's it.

I’ve seen cases where people magically have all the weight drop, while watching TV. And there are other cases where people wake up and just love going to the gym, doing yoga, hiking, and eating natural healthy foods.

So there's nothing wrong with doing it the "old fashioned way"...
Once the brain changes, making the body want to work out and eat right.

"If someone doesn't reach their perfect weight, I don't want their money." So for 15 Minute Weight Loss, we are giving a full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Just take 15 minutes a day and see what happens. Step on the scale once a week, or just wait until the end of the 60 days.

click here to get started.
15 Minute Weight Loss

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