How To Promote Prostate Health

Prostate Cancer Is The Number Two Killer Of Men In The US And How To Promote Prostate Health
Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of death among men and nutrition can contribute to the prevention of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells from the prostate. The American Cancer Society reports that it is the second leading cause of cancer death among men, with a one in six men succumbing to its effects.
And you don't have to develop cancer to be affected by prostate health. I developed a prostate infection in my late 30s that created a number of inconveniences, including frequent urination and preventing me from enjoying my favorite sport: bicycle racing. I've been very attentive to prostate health ever since that time.
Despite its number 2 ranking, deaths from prostate cancer are decreasing as better detection methods are discovered and implemented. It is recommended that men over age 50 be screened for the disease by undergoing a rectal exam and prostate-specific antigen blood test every year.
One Out Of Three Risk Factors You Can Control
Risk factors for prostate cancer include increasing age, North American or European nationality and a high-fat diet. It's thought to do anything about ancestry or age, but addressing the high-fat diet is something we can all manage.
The nature of our diet today, which is high in fat and carbohydrates-which the body converts to fat anyway, processed foods and fast-food promote overweight and obesity. A full 67% of Americans are overweight or obese and a staggering 72% of men make up that sad statistic. Many chronic diseases, including prostate cancer, have been linked to poor nutrition and high-fat diets.
Why Nutrition Matters
No matter what your current diet, weight or overall health, there is a real likelihood that you can benefit from meal replacement shakes and using shakes to improve your nutrition is a great way to support prostate health and prevent prostate cancer. In a Science Daily article dated July 16, 2010, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, MS, PhD, in the Department of Nutrition in the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine reported:
"Our studies provide evidence that a high-fat diet increases the activation of NF-κB along with elevated levels of NADPH oxidase components which might lead to intraprostatic inflammation. This study strengthens the link between a high-fat diet -- typical of "Western style" high fat diet -- as a potential cause of prostatic diseases including BPG and prostate cancer,"
The bottom line is that a healthy diet is essential to the prevention of prostate cancer.
A healthy diet includes eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products; consuming a moderate amount of low-fat meat and dairy foods; and cutting back on fat, sugar, alcohol, and salt. Adopting a healthy diet can be a life changing event for many men and there is a very effective way to segue into healthy nutrition: Meal Replacement Shakes.
Meal replacement shakes can be tailored to the needs of each person to meet specific needs and can be consumed in any number of ways to help lose, gain or support an ideal weight and promote good prostate health.
Every journey needs a starting point and the place to start good nutrition is with a body composition analysis to determine your caloric needs and get an idea of areas where you can enhance your nutrition.
Meal replacement shakes can be used to introduce quality nutrition to your diet in a very calorie-compact package and can be tailored to fit your personal requirements. It doesn't matter if your goals include weight loss, weight maintenance or weight gain, shakes are a great complement to get quick results that will improve overall energy and well being while promoting prostate health.

Do this simple 60-Second trick for breakfast and save your Prostate.


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