The Truth about Weight Loss

Let's face it. There is simply no other industry in the world that is more confusing or more contradictory than the diet and fitness industry.

Ask 10 so-called 'fitness experts' what 
the best way to lose weight is, and you're very likely to get 10 different answers. But who's right? Who's wrong? And how do we know?

The fact is, the diet and fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year in an effort to convince us that they hold the 'quick and easy' solution to our weight loss problems. These 'solutions' come in many forms, be it pills,powders, prescription drugs, gadgets, gizmos, personal training, medical weight loss clinics, pre-packaged meals, books, magazines name it. And their marketing efforts have tremendous reach as they use television, internet ads, billboards, and radio. Heck, even some of the biggest fitness magazines in the market place are actually owned by supplement companies themselves!

One of the biggest problems is that most people don't understand how these methods can work together, or how to implement these methods the right way for maximum weight loss.

Research has shown that most overweight people are carrying around 8-16 pounds of unwanted body fat. Research has also shown that most diets fail. From my experience, most diets fail because they take the long, slow, boring approach to weight loss. When weight comes off at 1-2 pounds a week, the rewards for the sacrifices it takes to get there really aren’t worth it. 

How We Get Fat ?
If you’re expecting me to point the finger at any specific macro-nutrient in your diet as the
cause for your excessive weight, it’s not going to happen. Quite simply, we do not get fat by
eating carbs and we don’t get fat simply by eating fat. We get fat through abundance —
by consuming more calories than our body needs on a daily basis, over a period of time.

You and I both know that your excess weight did not just appear overnight from eating a candy bar or cupcake. It just doesn’t work that way. We gain weight by regularly consuming more calories than our bodies actually need. In other words, if your body needs 2000 calories per
day and you are consuming even slightly over that amount, say 2100 calories per day, over
time that extra 100 calories turns into excess body fat and significant weight gain.
The second reason we become fat is because most of us never give the body any time to actually burn away the fat that we have accumulated. You see, your body can only be in
one of two states at any given time: FED or FASTED. When your body is in the fed state,there is simply no way that it can burn body fat.

On the other hand, when your body is in the fasted state, it is constantly mobilizing stored body fat from your body’s fat stores and using that fat for energy — resulting in weight loss.

The more time your body remains in a fasted state, the more fat you will burn. The problem, however, is that research has shown many of us remain in a fed state for approximately 20
hours a day! That’s up to 20 hours of every single day being 100% incapable of burning any of your stubborn body fat. What’s worse is that not only are those hours spent being incapable of burning body fat — you are also very likely to be adding to the fat you already have!

>>Check out here for my recommend method of get rid your stubborn body fat.


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